Medical School Admissions
Degree Programs
The Warren Alpert Medical School offers degree programs in which you can earn a Master of Science, Master of Public Health, or doctoral degree in addition to your MD.
Degree Programs
The Warren Alpert Medical School offers degree programs in which you can earn a Master of Science, Master of Public Health, or doctoral degree in addition to your MD.
The Primary Care–Population Medicine Program is a four-year curriculum that prepares students for a career in medicine while providing comprehensive, longitudinal training in population medicine. The program includes a Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (LIC) in the third year and clinical applications of ScM coursework.
Students interested in the MD/PhD Program may apply as PLME undergraduates or as current medical students to any of the graduate programs in the Division of Biology and Medicine. Graduate work typically begins after Year 2 or Year 3 at The Warren Alpert Medical School. MD/PhD students typically take a hiatus from their medical studies of 3 to 5 years to complete the requirements for their doctorate.
Students can apply for the MPH after matriculation. Those admitted complete the MPH after their first and second preclerkship medical school years, followed by years three and four of the MD curriculum.